Time Out Steps

1.  Give 1 clear warning.  Ex. "Lil' Rap, this is a warning, if you hit me one more time you will get a 3 minute time out."  
2.  Immediately after next hit (do not continue to ignore or give warnings): guide child or carry child to designated time out location.  
3.  Explain why child is going into time out.  Ex. "Lil' Rap, you are going into a time out because you ignored my warning and you hit me.  You must stay in this spot for 3 minutes.  If you leave this spot your time will start over."
4.  Set timer so you don't forget and child knows there is a limited and countable amount of time.
5.  When time is up, return to child and reiterate why they had a time out.  Ex. "Lil' Rap, you were put in time out because you hit me and hitting is unacceptable."
6.  Ask for an apology.  It is important child knows that their behavior was hurtful/inappropriate to you.
7.  Hug & Kiss and remind them that you love them.
8.  Return to normal activity.  

Appropriate for ages 1+.  Best results ages 18 months - 4 years.  

Length of time for a time out should be based on their age: 1 years = 1 minute, 2 years = 2 minutes, and so on.  

Have a designated location in an unused corner, do not use a crib, high chair, or restricting device.  Keep time out area away from play and eating areas, you do not want the child to associate these places as negative.  

Remember to use a stern, low voice.  Do not smile or laugh at their behavior.  Your tone needs to say: I am in charge!  

It may take time for your little one to adjust to this strategy.  If they get up from their time out or refuse to stay put, you simply guide them or carry them back without speaking and reset the time.  Continue to do this until they stay put for their full lotted amount of time.  Eventually they will learn to stay put and won't continue to challenge you.  Depending on how stubborn your child is, this could take a while, but  your persistence will pay off in the end!  

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