Thursday, June 16, 2016

I learned something today...

Foot update: after 12 weeks, the first few being in shock, I've learned a lot. Today I asked (for the first time) to look at my broken foot X-rays. I'm so broken bone averse (I hate seeing stories or seeing pictures) that I've completely avoided knowing specifics of what happened. It wasn't until I found a support group on Facebook for my type of break: Lis Franc Fracture and they asked questions that I decided I should probably find out. Some of us are really slow, I know you just rolled your eyes at me. 

So here's what I found out: Turns out my first two bones separated from each other at the joint on the top of my foot and I have two screws holding them together to stabilize while they reconnect. Kind of like couples therapy for a separated married couple: painful and not fun with no chance of divorce. Not so complicated now that I know! 

I've now also been cleared to try walking in my boot, but had a lot of pain when I did try last week. I was imagining my screw slicing through the bottom of my foot. Not dramatic at all, right? Well turns out they call that plantar fasciitis and I now have it. So my dr has given me some stretching exercises... Wait, I can move my foot?!! Yep! I can now flex my foot. If I get up enough courage. 

So I've refilled my ibuprofen precsription and can start stretching and prepare to walk. Only problem, I have to convince my brain it's okay. Do you know what happens when for 12 weeks you tell yourself, NO WALKING. DONT STEP ON YOUR FOOT. DONT SET YOUR FOOT ON THE FLOOR? You forget how to walk. In addition I've got no muscle left. So I'm in for a painful journey of rehab. It might take more than ibuprofen, good thing I saved a stash of the harder stuff. 

And finally, I am getting my screws removed (firing the therapist) on June 28th. Pray for me. 

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