Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Product Review: Avent Bottles

This topic came up on my July 2013 birth group and as I was answering questions I was struck by how passionate I feel about the Avent (Born Free) bottles!  It's silly that I would want to get into a drag out fight with someone over which bottle is superior ... right?  But I could take someone down over this topic!  Just put me in a boxing ring and I'll fight to the death!  Ok.  That may be a bit dramatic...

So why am I so pumped up about the Avent bottles?  I've used several types of bottles: from drop ins to glass to extreme vent systems.  What I like most about Avent bottles is:
  • Easy shape to hold, they come in many sizes (tall, short) and have different flow size nipples.  Each bottle from 4 oz - 9 oz comes with easy to read measurements on the side so you can track how much your baby is eating in each feeding.
  • Easy to clean!  When you are taking care of an infant/baby/toddler you can't be washing dishes forever - unless you are trying to save your sanity by avoiding one more round of "Twinkle Twinkle."  But these bottles are easy to swipe clean, rinse, and reassemble.  They also have an Avent Microwave Steam Sterilizer that works well to get rid of hidden bacteria.
  • They have a good vent system that removes bubbles for you without you having to squeeze the air out of the nipple or bag, I mean seriously, who has time for that?!  And who wants to waste even a drop of precious breast milk in an effort to remove air?  
  • These bottles are completely compatible with all types of fluid: breast milk, formula, whole milk, juice, etc.  The possibilities are endless!  Maybe just avoid using for Bourbon, Vodka, or other alcoholic beverages not suitable for those under 21 years old.  And if your 21 year old is still using bottles, you are reading the wrong blog.  
  • My favorite part: they transition into sippy cups!  I prefer just buying a soft sippy cup insert and attaching to a regular bottle, but you certainly could buy the whole sippy cup set if you like.  The sippy cup set includes handles to attach so it's easy for your toddler to hold.  
To wrap this up: try the other brands/types of bottles at your own risk.  Or ... skip the hassle and just trust me on this.  Avent bottles are superior and as some of you have learned from experience: Nanny Fawn Knows Best!  ;)

Oh yeah, and they are BPA free and meet all those safety standards that change yearly.  #can'tbelieveisurvived  

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