Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tales of Spring Break

Who's idea was it to go to the Aquarium on a free day during Spring Break?  I'm not always as smart as I seem.

I expected it to be busy ... but I underestimated the sheer popularity of this plan.  After driving around looking for parking for 20+ minutes and standing outside in line for 30+ minutes (in a line we found out was 3 hours long) we abandoned our plan.  Thankfully we were able to transition to the less popular museum next door without having to adjust our parking situation.

However, our second option was still seemingly as crazy as the first.  Lines, Lines, and more Lines with 3 boys aged 4-8.  We made it through one exhibit before one of the boys knocked his head on something and had a cut, black eye.  Off we go to the first aid center!  By this time it was lunch and we stood in yet another line to eat very bad for you McDonalds.  After filling our three rambunctious boys with sugar, salt, and fat we decided it would be more fun to sit outside and just let them run.

So basically after 3 hours of lines, we paid $22 (in parking) and $35 in bad food for our kids to run on hills filled with goose poop.

That's the kind of day we had.  How's your Spring Break going?

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